OET Online Self-Study for Healthcare Professionals

Discover a new way to prepare learners for the OET exam online.

Planning to book your OET exam soon and looking for the best way to prepare?

Not sure if you’re ready to sit the OET? Take our OET Skills Test. If you need to improve, we offer a course to raise your skill level at no extra cost.

Start your journey to new healthcare opportunities with us.

Get Started

Step into the shoes of a new employee and learn with them. Experience real-life situations set in a hospital.


Designed by experts

Designed by a team of online learning experts who use technology to make the English learning experience relevant, fun and engaging.

Interactive element


Complete engaging activities that will help learners build confidence in reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Mobile phone and laptop


Your learners are in the driving seat. They can learn at their own pace, anytime, from any device.

healthcare worker and patient in bed


Learners will become familiar with the OET exam, its vocabulary and structure through activities based on real-life situations.

Interactive element


Learners can practise speaking by recording themselves with an online audio recorder and get real-time feedback with the help of speech recognition technology.

Tutor and student


Learners can sit a full mock test, marked by one of our specialist OET tutors and find out if they’re ready for the exam.


What’s next?

Learners can try one of our 3D virtual interview simulations and practise their OSCE or PLAB 2 with our optional 3D conversation simulations. We have partnerships with recruitment services companies and healthcare trusts.


Not sure of your learners’ level of English?

Destination OET is for healthcare professionals who have an English level of B2 and above on the CEFR scale. If learners need to improve their English skills, we’re here to help.

When you buy Destination OET you will also get access to an OET Skills Test to help learners understand their English level and Journey 2 English, our intermediate course to help learners achieve English B2 level.

Destination OET

What’s Included for Education Providers

Get Started

Get in touch with us for a quotation.