How do I create a group?

Your organisation can choose to create groups as a moderator or ask each tutor to set up their own group.

You can also watch the create a group video tutorial.

When you create a group, you can set the default courses and content for each of your groups. This will help save time when it comes to selecting courses for each individual student.

  1. Click on Add/Edit Users in the left hand navigation menu.
  2. Scroll down past the charts to see all Groups in a table.
  3. Click on Add if you are adding a new group.

  4. View the Group pop up form.

  5. Create a name for your group. Usually this is a class group name to describe the level e.g. ‘ESOL Advanced’ which will be the same from year to year. Then select the courses you want for that group. Then click ‘save’ to create the group.