Klik2learn’s courses are well structured and endorsed by the Scottish Qualifications Authority and City & Guilds. To achieve the City & Guilds Assured programme status, Klik2learn had to meet the stringent standards, checks and measures set by the City & Guilds Assured Scheme.
How do students gain their certificate?
To gain a certificate from City & Guilds, students must achieve a medal for each of the 10 modules.
How can I see my medal achievements?
There are two ways to see medal achievements earned.
Option 1. Students can see progress by clicking on the overview button which will take them to their User Page. Percentage progress, time spent and achievements earned is captured in a table. See the image below.

Image 1: Achievements in Journey 2 English
Option 2. Students can check their achievements earned by clicking on the achievement button on the dashboard. A pop up of all medals achieved will appear. See the image below.
How do I achieve each medal?
To achieve each medal students must:
- Complete 90% of the activities in each module.
- Achieve 80% accuracy in the vocabulary test.
- Pass the grammar game at the end of the module.

Image 2: Pass the Vocabulary Test to unlock the Grammar Game in each module.
At the end of the grammar game activity students will see their results and receive their medal for that module.
- The Vocabulary Test includes the words taught in each module.
- When 80% accuracy is achieved, the final grammar game is unlocked.
- The vocabulary test does not give instant results screen by screen. It totals the responses at the end to provide a score.
- The grammar game includes the grammar items taught in each module.
- Students will be able to check their answers at the end and see the correct responses